Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Employee Relations 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Employee Relations 1 - Essay Example ive solutions, which will essentially take care of the workplace dynamics as well as bring all of the employees on a single platform, as and when needed. There is a dire need to comprehend where the employees are going wrong as per their work domains and what needs to be changed in order to bring sanity within the organization. If the human resources department feels that there is a lot of negativity at the workplace and that the employees do not feel motivated to do their respective chores, then issues could arise which could turn into potential conflicts at the workplace. Now is the time to make sure that these conflicts would get settled in the best manner possible and that too with utmost ease and understanding on the part of the people who are assigned the very tasks in essence. This paper takes a keen look at the ways under which conflict could be managed as well as draws a line between the ethically right and the wrong as far as the employees within an organization are concern ed. Within the Australian workplace of present times, one can see that conflicts have become a norm. This is because different individuals have varying personalities which they bring to the workplace. Now it is up to them as to how they treat one another as well as their respective work ethos. The conflicting scenarios are a direct result of the interaction or the lack thereof amongst the employees, the peers and the relation that the top management has with the subordinates. Once again the role of the human resources department is of essence as it tries to maintain its writ within the organizational regimes. What is important within this scenario is the role of the organizational processes and tasks which must be completed at all times without any hiccups whatsoever. There must be a cohesive basis for getting things on track without any problems because in the broader context it is very significant to take care of the tasks and processes as they bring in the profits and revenues for

Monday, October 28, 2019

Ethical Interpersonal Communication Essay Example for Free

Ethical Interpersonal Communication Essay Ethics refers to standards of conduct, standards that indicate how one should behave based on moral duties and virtues, which themselves are derived from principles of right and wrong. The major determinant of whether communications are ethical or unethical can be found in the notion of choice. The underlying assumption is that people have a right to make their own choices. Interpersonal communications are ethical to the extent that they facilitate a person’s freedom of choice by presenting that person with accurate information. Communications are unethical to the extent that they interfere with the individual’s freedom of choice by preventing the person from securing information relevant to the choices he or she will make. Unethical communications, therefore, are those that force a person to make choices he or she would not normally make or to decline to make choices he or she would normally make or both. The ethical communicator provides others with the kind of information that is helpful in making their own choices. You have the right to information about yourself that others possess and that influences the choices you will make. Thus, for example, you have the right to face your accusers, to know the witnesses who will be called to testify against you, to see your credit ratings, to see your medical records, and so on. At the same time that you have the right to information bearing on your own choices, you also have the obligation to reveal information that you possess that bears on the choices of your society. Thus, for example, you have an obligation to identify wrongdoing that you witness, to identify someone in a police line up, to notify the police of criminal activity, and Ethical Interpersonal Communication 3 to testify at a trial when you posses pertinent information. This information is essential for society to accomplish its purposes and to make its legitimate choices. Similarly, the information presented must be accurate; obviously, reasonable choices depend on accuracy of information. Doubtful information must be presented with qualifications, whether it concerns a crime that you witnessed or things you have heard about others. At the same time that you have these obligations to communicate information, you also have the right to remain silent; you have a right to privacy, to withhold information that has no bearing on the matter at hand. Thus, for example, a man or woman’s previous relationship history, sexual orientation, or religion us usually irrelevant to the person’s ability to function as a doctor or police officer, for example, and may thus be kept private in most job-related situations. If these issues become relevant say, the person is about to enter a new relationship then there may be an obligation to reveal previous relationships, sexual orientation, or religion, for example, to the new partner. In a court, of course, you have the right to refuse to incriminate yourself, to reveal information about yourself that could be used against you. But you do not have the right to refuse to reveal information about the criminal activities of others. In Canada, only lawyers and marriage partners are exempt from this general rule if the â€Å"criminal† was a client or spouse. In this ethic based on choice, however, there are a few qualifications that may restrict your freedom. The ethic assumes that persons are of an age and mental condition that allows free choice to be reasonably executed and that the choices they make do not prevent others from doing likewise. A child 5 or 6 years old may not be ready to make certain choices, so someone Ethical Interpersonal Communication 4 else (a parent or legal guardian) must make them. Some adults, for example people with advancing Alzheimer’s disease, need others to make certain decisions (legal or financial decisions) for them.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Rise in Political Power of 17th Century England and France :: European Europe History

The Rise in Political Power of 17th Century England and France In the seventeenth century, the political power of the Parliament in England, and the Monarchy in France increased greatly. These conditions were inspired by three major changes: the aftermath of the reformation, the need for an increased governmental financing, and the reorganizing of central governments. These three points were each resolved in a different way in both England and in France. The first major point which eventually increased political power was the aftermath of the Protestant reformation. In England, after the establishment of the separate Anglican church of England there were many protestant groups left in England still in conflict. These groups all tried to push and pull parliament in their favor -- which ultimately made it so that nothing could be done. These conflicts even came to the point of bloody civil wars and suffering on both sides of the fighting. Parliament ultimately decided to stop these wars by creating religious Act of Toleration (1689) for the non-conformist protestants. For many people, this caused more unity in England and increased power. In France, the decision was made to unify the country through the establishment of a single religious authority, the Catholic Church. The king of France became the heart of this policy, which gave him control of religion when this went into effect. The next major point was the increase in need for governmental financing. In England, taxing had become under the control of Parliament. In addition to this, the cost of running a government in general had gone up and the country needed more money. Because the king didn't have as much power to tax as he pleases, the government could make a firm and accurate taxation of the people. In France, the price of government had also gone up. However, here the was a monarchy and a king with great control over the government. Using his control of the economy, a strong "Mercantilism" system was used aimed at maximizing foreign exports and reserves. The king became the center of this new power. The last major point which increased political power was the reorganizing of the central governments in both England and in France. The economic changes in this century required new relationships between the King and his subjects. In England, the parliament because of this need, grew to have power over the king and cause great toleration of people's

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Story of the Good Brahman

The Story of the Good Brahmas Based on my basic knowledge about Indian society, Brahmins hold the highest status in Indian's caste system. I perceive that the story will be similar to bible stories like, the good shepherd. However, what I encountered in reading the selection is a Brahmas, specifically, a confused Brahmas who Is not happy with his life. The Brahmas who Is a philosopher himself, constantly questions his existence, his essence, and his wit.He had all the luxuries, the wealth, and three beautiful wives but he is not happy with all f those. On the first look, he is much blessed compared to his neighbor who is very poor and imprudent. But his neighbor, the old woman is happy with her life. There goes the story of the old woman, who has nothing. She has no wealth, no knowledge, and no problem. She Just had enough faith In Vishnu and the Ganges River to wash herself every day. It seems that the old woman Is contented with her life even though she can see the glamorous living of her Brahmas neighbor.When the Brahmas was asked if he wanted to give up his wealth and knowledge for him to be happy, he effused as he doesn't want to be in the same condition as the old woman. He thought and believes that being means one has to be imbecile. After hours of reflection and re-reading of the selection, I realized that the story doesn't go around the story of the Brahmas but of both him and the old lady. I think that the title of the story Is inappropriate because It Is not all about the Brahmas himself. He Is not even a â€Å"good† Brahmas for me.I don't see any reason why the author should call him a good Brahmas. Yes, he is honest with himself and does not deceive anyone. But with all the blessings in his life, he doesn't know how to be contented. In the class discussion, the real reason why the old woman is much happier than the Brahmas was revealed. The reason was Ignorance. It served as a prison, a box for the old woman from questioning everything. She Is confined with her poor life without asking why she Is poor while the Brahmas Is rich. She decides to be Ignorant and be content with what she has.This box of ignorance made the old woman happy as she is not aware of what is happening in the society. This made her contented. Because of her ignorance, the woman is in Nirvana. On the other hand, the old witty Philosopher, have so much wealth but so much problem in his life. He is not contented with his life. Because of his wide knowledge, he also has more questions which could only give him problems In his life. If I were to choose whether to be the Brahmas or the old woman, I prefer to be the old woman in the case that she has peace of mind in her heart. But will not criticize or hate the Brahmas.I truly believe that we can be a pappy creature and at the same time reason out. Why would I be bothered and be problematic by the things that I cannot change and the things that I might never know? Also, If there's a means on changing my state by working hard, then I won't give up. I enjoy talking about many things with my friends. There are a lot of things that opinions and beliefs. Reasoning out doesn't mean that we have to be unhappy. It is a matter of perspective and each of us has a different level of contentment. For me, the greatest pursuit of all mankind is happiness.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Lab report chemistry matriculation experiment Essay

Example chemistry lab report matriculation experiment 4. Free ebook, pdf. Lab Session 5, Experiment 4 Chemical Nomenclature. Thursday, January 21, 2010 /. Introduction: The laboratory method used in the experiment is titration. Titration is a method usedin. Chemistry Lab Report on standardization of acid and bases. 34335 views. The flask is swirled to dissolve the KHP sample completely.5. The initial reading. (2011) Chemistry for Matriculation. Selangor. Class Policies (Eckerd Organic Lab).doc Organic Chemistry I Laboratory Experiment Format attached to a page in your notebook, its not part of your lab report. Matriculation lab report chemistry. What is the conclusion for lab report chemistry experiment 5 redox titration using sodium thiosulphate? ?. If an excess of iodide is used to quantitatively reduce a chemical species while. Chem 120. Laboratory Manual. Quantitative Chemistry II. Lab 3. 5. Cool the. Report. Using the format specified, prepare a lab report  summarizing the data. View notes – experiment kimia for matriculation from SCIENCE 132 at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Semester 1 2012/2013 TITLE :CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM. Students who wish take to the experiments should see the lab officers (LOs) Teo Hoon. 5. Discussion and Conclusion (For example, discuss the data you measured, where. On a cover page, put the experiment title, your name, matriculation number, and the date you did the experiment and the date of report submission. Lab report chemistry matriculation experiment 5 >>>CLICK HERE news report essay writing, where do i put the word count on my essay tallahassee, lab report chemistry matriculation experiment 5. Chemistry Experiment Laboratory Report (4). 5. 25 cm. 3 of the solution was titrated with the standard sulphuric acid using phenol red indicator. EXPERIMENT 9. MOLECULAR. for a set of molecules and ions. Equipment: Molecular model kit obtained from the lab assistant. 3 0 / 5/ 8P3. F F. 3 l Trigonal. 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EXPERIMENT 5. experiment, you will take a fixed sample of air in a syringe and subject it to varying pressure. Experiment 5. 2. Lab Report. Lab report chemistry matriculation experiment 5how to write essay for civil service exams fort lauderdale, how do i write a conclusion for my essay nashville, customer service essay murrieta; science research data analysis, lab report chemistry matriculation experiment 5; write my essay paper for me nebraska, easy updo hairstyles for long thick hair. SEMESTER 1 Practical Science 1 Experiment 2. (refer discussion) 2.21 g of CuSo4 powder is weighed.5 M of CuSO4 is made. (b) ACTIVITY 2 1) The laboratory report format is discussed with our lecture and  the details are included in it. alkali and solution. Chemistry for Matriculation Semester 1. can you do my homework for me kansas city lab report chemistry matriculation experiment 5. Laboratory Data Sheet, Physical Chemistry, Year 1. Experiment. EXPERIMENT 1. Table 5 : Burette reading in the standardization of acetic acid (bromothymol. Begin to see the link between measurement and chemical knowledge. Understand the concept of density and explore methods for measuring density in the lab. 5. Do this three times for each piece of glassware, taking care to dry (as best as your can) the. 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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Ben essays

Ben essays Josiah Franklin (Bens dad) moved to America from England in 1682 with his wife and three children. After he moved to America the then had four more children with that wife and then had ten more children with Abiah (Bens mom) after his first wife died. Ben was number 15 out of seventeen children and was born on Boston on January 17, 1706. At this point is where a story about a man that started with nothing now is one of the most well none figures in American history and in world history. As a young boy Ben did not follow the same path as his other brothers that went to be apprentices for trade. Ben wanted more out of life so he went into grammar school at first to work with the church but found that writing was his passion. From there he worked for his brother, James at a printing press and signed a contract say Ben would work for him for the next eight years. Ben liked writing so much he would send in letter for the newspaper to be printed but James did not want him writing so Ben would send anonymous letters to the newspaper so his brother would not find out. One day he over heard James talking to some people about one of his anonymous letters and how the thought it was very good which made Ben very proud and fired up his urge to write more. By working at the press he had a lot of time and more resources to read from. Even though he liked to read he also knew that it was making him smarter and more knowledgeable about many new things. He started to have ma ny fights with James and eventually broke his contract and quit. At age 17 he secretly leaves home to find work and goes to New York City. After getting there he finds out that there is not any work for someone like him at that time. Because America is quite new still at the time there are many opportunities to find a job even for a young man at the age of 17. He finds out that he can work for a Printer named Andrew Bradford in Philadelphia. So he takes...

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to Use the Command Line to Run Ruby Scripts

How to Use the Command Line to Run Ruby Scripts Before really starting to use Ruby, you need to have a basic understanding of the command line. Since most Ruby scripts wont have graphical user interfaces, youll be running them from the command line. Thus, youll need to know, at the very least, how to navigate the directory structure and how to use pipe characters (such as |,   and ) to redirect input and output. The commands in this tutorial are the same on Windows, Linux, and OS X. To start a command prompt on Windows, go to Start - Run. In the dialog that appears, enter cmd into the input box and press OK.To start a command prompt on Ubuntu Linux, go to Applications - Accessories - Terminal.To start a command prompt on OS X, go to Applications - Utilities - Terminal. Once youre at the command line, youll be presented with a prompt. Its often a single character such as $ or #. The prompt may also contain more information, such as your username or your current directory. To enter a command  all you need to do is type in the command and hit the enter key. The first command to learn is the cd command, which will be used to get to the directory where you keep your Ruby files. The command below will change directory to the \scripts directory. Note that on Windows systems, the backslash character is used to delimit directories but on Linux and OS X, the forward slash character is used. C:\rubycd \scripts Running Ruby Scripts Now that you know how to navigate to your Ruby scripts (or your rb files), its time to run them. Open your text editor and save the following program as  test.rb. #!/usr/bin/env ruby    print What is your name? name gets.chomp puts Hello #{name}! Open a command line window and navigate to your Ruby scripts directory using the  cd  command. Once there, you can list files, using the  dir  command on Windows or the  ls  command on Linux or OS X. Your Ruby files will all have the .rb file extension. To run the test.rb Ruby script, run the command  ruby test.rb. The script should ask you for your name and greet you. Alternatively, you can configure your script to run without using the Ruby command. On Windows, the  one-click installer  already set up a file association with the .rb file extension. Simply running the command  test.rb  will run the script. In Linux and OS X, for scripts to run automatically, two things must be in place: a shebang line and the file being marked as executable. The shebang line is already done for you; its the first line in the script starting with  #!. This tells the shell what type of file this is. In this case, its a Ruby file to be executed with the Ruby interpreter. To mark the file as executable, run the command  chmod x test.rb. This will set a file permission bit indicating that the file is a program and that it can be run. Now, to run the program, simply enter the command  ./test.rb. Whether you invoke the Ruby interpreter manually with the Ruby command or run the Ruby script directly is up to you. Functionally, they are the same thing. Use whichever method you feel most comfortable with. Using Pipe Characters Using the pipe characters is an important skill to master, as these characters will alter the input or output of a Ruby script. In this example, the  Ã‚  character is used to redirect the output of test.rb to  a text file  called test.txt instead of printing to the screen. If you open new test.txt file after you run the script, youll see the output of the test.rb Ruby script. Knowing how to save output to a .txt file can be very useful. It allows you to save program output for careful examination or to be used as input to another script at a later time. C:\scriptsruby example.rb test.txt Similarly, by using the  Ã‚  character instead of the  Ã‚  character you can redirect any input a Ruby script may read from the keyboard to read from a .txt file. Its helpful to think of these two characters as funnels; youre funneling output to files and input from files. C:\scriptsruby example.rb Then theres the pipe character,  |. This character will funnel the output from one script to the input of another script. Its the equivalent of funneling the output of a script to a file, then funneling the input of a second script from that file. It just shortens the process. The  |  character is useful in creating filter type programs, where one script generates unformatted output and another script formats the output to the desired format. Then the second script could be changed or replaced entirely without having to modify the first script at all. C:\scriptsruby example1.rb | ruby example2.rb The Interactive Ruby Prompt One of the great things about Ruby is that its test-driven. The interactive Ruby prompt provides an interface to the Ruby language for instant experimentation. This comes in handy while learning Ruby and experimenting with things like regular expressions. Ruby statements can be run and the output and return values can be examined immediately. If you make a mistake, you can go back and edit your previous Ruby statements to correct those mistakes. To start the IRB prompt, open your command-line and run the  irb  command. Youll be presented with the following prompt: irb(main):001:0 Type the  hello world  statement weve been using into the prompt and hit Enter. Youll see any output the statement generated as well as the return value of the statement before being returned to the prompt. In this case, the statement output Hello world! and it returned  nil. irb(main):001:0 puts Hello world! Hello world! nilf irb(main):002:0 To run this command again, simply press the up key on your keyboard to get to the statement you previously ran and press the Enter key. If you want to edit the statement before running it again, press the left and right arrow keys to move the cursor to the correct place in the statement. Make your edits and press Enter to run the new command. Pressing up or down additional times will allow you to examine more of statements youve run. The interactive Ruby tool should be used throughout learning Ruby. When you learn about a new feature or just want to try something, start up the interactive Ruby prompt and try it. See what the  statement  returns, pass  different parameters  to it and just do some general experimenting. Trying something yourself and seeing what it does can be a lot more valuable than just reading about it!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How Should You Spend the Night Before the SAT

How Should You Spend the Night Before the SAT SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips The night before the SAT can be stressful, to say the least. Maybe you’re not sure about the best way to prepare yourself during these final hours - all you know is that you want to do the best you can on the exam. Well, we’ve made it easy (and stress-free) for you to do what you need to do the night before the test. Here, I’ll lay out everything you should and shouldn’t do before you head to bed in order to ensure your best possible score. Follow these tips - including everything from logistical concerns to exam prep strategies - to wake up confident, refreshed, and ready. Let’s get started! Take Care of Logistics You don’t want to wake up the morning of the SAT only to stress yourself out over some silly detail. Squaring away these logistical issues the night before the test serves two purposes: You save yourself time, hassle, and stress the next morning. You can distract yourself from any anxieties the night before by focusing on getting organized. Logistical Details to Take Care of the Night Before the SAT Know what time the test is and when you need to be there. Plan on getting there 15-20 minutes early to account for any unforeseen timing issues. If you’re not sure when the test is, double-check your College Board account. Know where the test is, how to get there, and how long it’ll take you to get there.You can double-check the location on your exam ticket or at your College Board account.I’d encourage you to use Google Maps to plan out the fastest route. Enter your arrive by time for the next morning in addition to the testing center address and your starting point- Google Maps will tell you when to leave! Set multiple alarms, especially if you’re prone to oversleeping. Give yourself 10-15 extra minutes to get ready in the morning - you don’t want to feel rushed. If possible, have a family member (preferably a morning person) agree to check in on you to make sure you’re up Gather everything you should bring for test day. There are only a few items you have to bring, but there are several other items that would be smart to have for the test: Your admission ticket (mandatory) Acceptable photo ID(mandatory) Several sharpened #2 pencils (mandatory) A couple of erasers An approved calculator + extra batteries A watch (without an audible alarm) A bottle of water and snacks to eat during breaks. These may have to stay in your bag, locker, or up at the test administrator’s desk and will have to be consumed outside of the testing room. Know what you shouldn’t bring on test day. If you bring any forbidden items, it could lead to delays and hassles. Here’s a list of items you should leave at home: Anything electronic device aside from your calculator and watch (and no, you can’t wear a smart watch). If you’re caught with a computing or recording device - even if it’s accidental - you could jeopardize your scores. Any writing utensils or tools aside from your #2 pencils. This includes things like rulers, protractors, colored pens and pencils, and highlighters. Any pamphlets or papers. There are only two places you can write on during the test: the test booklet (which is not graded) and your answer sheet. Dictionaries or other books. A note about cell phones: If you don’t have to bring your phone, then don’t. If you must bring your phone, make sure to turn it offwell before the start of the test. Your proctor will confiscate the phone and immediately cancel your scores if it makes any noise, or if you access the phone at any point during the test. Set out all your clothes for the next morning. Pick comfortable clothes that you’d be okay sitting around in for a few hours. An example of what you definitely don't want to be doing while you're taking the SAT Take Care ofYourself Now that we have all of the logistical stuff out of the way, we can get to the fun stuff: self-care! Students sometimes forget that the best thing you can do before a big test is to relax. If you’re tired, hungry, and stressed out the morning of an exam, chances are you won’t do so well no matter how hard you studied. Here, I’ll go over the things you should do and the things you should avoid doing the night before the SAT. What You Should Do Eat a satisfying and healthy dinner - ideally something with produce, fruits and vegetables, and whole grains. Your brain needs fuel! On that note,plan your breakfast for the next morning. Something quick, easy, and filling should do the trick, like whole-grain cereal or a bowl of oatmeal. Get in bed earlier than usual -maybe 30-60 minutes before your normal bedtime. This gives you a bit more time to fall asleep if you’re having trouble. If you can't get to sleep, here are some things you can try: Do some light, gentle stretches. Anything more strenuous than that might keep you awake. Listen to some relaxing music. Take a warm bath. Drink a cup of herbal tea (just make sure to stay away from caffeine). Take a shower to save time the next morning.This may also help you relax and get to sleep. If your normal routine is to shower in the morning, though, then skip this step. What You Shouldn't Do Play video games, surf the internet, or play on your phone for 2-3 hours before you go to bed. The light from the screens and monitors can keep you from falling asleep. Disrupt your normal bedtime routine.If you do certain things before bed every night, follow through with your normal rituals. Take any medications to help you go to sleep.Unless sleep medications are part of your normal bedtime routine, avoid any sleep aids. They could negatively affect you through the next morning, making you groggy and slow. Want to learn more about the SAT but tired of reading blog articles? Then you'll love our free, SAT prep livestreams. Designed and led by PrepScholar SAT experts, these live video events are a great resource for students and parents looking to learn more about the SAT and SAT prep. Click on the button below to register for one of our livestreams today! Prepare for the Exam Obviously, you should be cramming as much as possible for the test the next morning. Everyone knows that the best way to do well is to stress yourself out, stay up really late, and work on as many practice problems as possible. Just kidding... that’s a terrible idea. Each student is unique, and as such may have different feelings about reviewing material the night before the SAT. Here are a couple of different strategies you can take, and the pros and cons of each: Strategy #1: Don't Review Anything This strategy is my personal favorite. If you’ve prepared well for the test (and even if you haven’t!), I don’t think you can process and retain much more useful information in the hours before the SAT. That being said, some students might get nervous if they’re missing out on time to review concepts or practice problems. Good SAT prep happens through long-term practice - it’s not a test where you can memorize a bunch of factoids and then brain-dump everything you’ve learned the next morning. Last-minute prep tends to stress me out, so I avoid it. If you feel the same way, this is probably the strategy for you. Strategy #2:Review Key Concepts and/or Problem Areas Some students may find it stressful to â€Å"force† themselves to relax by avoiding all SAT materials. If this sounds like you, you may want to take some time (say, 45 minutes - 1 hour) to briefly review key concepts. The most effective way to do this is toreview any notes you may have before working on a few practice problems. Stay away from screens while you do this - try to keep everything on paper. Keep the difficulty level of practice problems easy-intermediate. Working on difficult problems can stress you out for the next morning, and could prevent you from falling asleep. The Morning of the SAT: Tackling the Test If you've followed thetips and strategies listed so far, you'll hopefully wake up refreshed, confident, and ready for the SAT. Here are some thingsto do the morning of the test to help you be as successful as possible: You know that breakfast you set out for yourself last night? Eat it! Some people get nervousstomachsthe morning of the test, andeating just a little something can help. Also, a satisfied stomach will help you stay more focused and alert while you're working on the SAT. The most important meal of the day is extra important the day of the SAT Try to avoid caffeine.It can make you feel nervous and jittery, especially if you aren't a regular coffee-drinker. Since it's a diuretic, it can also send you to the bathroom more often during the test. That being said, definitely do notavoid caffeine ifit's part of your normal morning routine. Stay in the moment.It's easy to get overwhelmed at the prospect of finishing the whole SAT test. But remember, you don't have to do that all at once - you work on one problem at a time, and you finish one section at a time. Once a section is finished, it's finished- your responsibility to it is over, and your focus should be completely on the work you're currently doing. After you've finished with the exam, reward yourself for your hard work! Even though you're sitting for the whole test, you may find yourself surprisingly burnt out after the SAT is over.After sitting around for a test like the SAT, I like to go for a run or grab a nice lunch. The hard part - actually prepping for the exam - is over. Try to think of the test as an opportunity to use what you've learnedthus far. My final pieces of advice:take a deep breath, andtrust your own knowledge and skills. You've got this! What's Next? Not quite ready to take the SAT? Not to worry - we have a ton of great articles to check out if you want to work on prepping for the test. Start with our complete guide to the SAT - this will give you a good run-down of the test and its contents. If already spent some time familiarizing yourself with the old SAT, read about why the changes to the exam aren't as revolutionary as you might think. If your scheduled test is quickly approaching, we have resources for you too! Check out our guides to last-minute study tips and prep strategies.Use these tips to get the best scores possible. Disappointed with your scores? Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points?We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Case Study- Wicked Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Case Study- Wicked - Assignment Example ike the stage manager, the assistant stage manager is an equipped personnel who possess skills such as organization and coordination skills fundamental for the effective communications between various team members. For example the coordination of the backstage member and the stage director is the responsibility of the stage manager or the secondary stage manager. Show producers, such as Marc Platt, have the responsibility of ensuring that all the members are aware of what they are doing. In the case of difficulties, or changes, or improvements needed, (s)he highlights all of them these may regard any changes during the process of presentation or rehearsing, time changes among others. The cast, those who take the role in the performances, are also an essential element of the wicked. There is also the promotions manager who deals with the organization of the sales of the tickets. He also advertises the events, contacts the local media and explains the reasons for the shows being throug h such channels as radio promos. The backstage manager ensures that everything goes as per by the plan. Another important element of the wicked musical is the theatre technical crew. They are a team that is responsible for the smooth running of the production. They intervene in such areas as the audio engineering, lighting operations technicians. This team works hand in hand with the stage manager who usually signals them to carry out an operation when need be. There is also an important member of the team who takes care of the prompt book. The prompt book is the guide entailing the communicative cues, technical notes, blocking, and information fundamentally important to the success of the presentation. Props are also part of the musical which enhances the projection of the themes and create an environment of the prevailing or intended mood. Organizers pack. It is the committee responsible for the organizing of the event and personnel from the preshow to the post show. There is also

Discussion week 9-2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion week 9-2 - Essay Example In view of the assignment given prior to the lesson (essay outlining the role of different people in society), the instructor will then evaluate the students understanding before the lesson and after the discussion (mentioned below). On the other hand, informal presentation will come in handy while carrying out some activities during this same lesson. I mentioned in the lesson plan that the lesson is predominantly a discussion; therefore, judicious review is a major strategy. This aspect ensures that information delivery is clear and concise while providing for students’ active involvement in information gathering and rehearsal. The power point presentation as a visual aid will further accentuate this method. Structured discovery will also work well in this same lesson. This is because the lesson is safe in view of environment and potential discoveries and failure is not imminent. The instructor first outlines a few of the objectives (occupations in society); the students are already consciously aware that people need to make a living by having an occupation. After this, it is up to the student to create a connection to other objectives, for instance, differences in occupations, benefits of different types of occupations and gender disparity in different types of

Friday, October 18, 2019

Valuation and Investment Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Valuation and Investment - Term Paper Example More than 60 percent of the potential customers come from US alone. Carnival is a 23.78 billion company by market capitalization. It has 100 ships in its possession and runs 15 hotels comprising of 3420 guest rooms. The company also possesses 395 motor coaches. The company markets its vacation tours through travel agents and operators. The company gets competition from several smaller cruise liners but due to scale of operations the company is in better position to weather them. (Carnival Corporation 2011) Compared to Cruise Lines, Royal Caribbean (RCL) is a smaller company with market capitalization of only $5 billion; however, RCL claims to have the newest fleet in the industry that provides a lot more open space in their fleets. Operationally, they are smaller than Carnival Cruise but hope to pick them fast. Royal Caribbean manages 40 ships and handles traffic of almost 4 million passengers. The Celebrity Cruises segment is meant for premium customers. This segment comprises 9 shi ps and offers some of the premium services. (Royal Caribbean 2011) Financials It will be appropriate to go through the financials of both the company. The following table shows side by side some of the important key parameters. Some Key Financials Cruise Corporation (CCL) Royal Caribbean (RCL) Market Cap (intraday) 23.78bn 5.06bn Current Ratio (mrq) 0.23 0.40 Total Debt/Equity (mrq) 41.26 103.7 Operating Cash Flow (ttm) 3.82billion 1.42billion Qtrly Earnings Growth (yoy) -18.30% 74.0% Trailing P/E (ttm) 12.53 8.71 200-Day Moving Average 38.41 38.41 52-Week High 48.14 49.99 52-Week Low 29.36 23.03 Beta 1.53 3.19 Source: Liquidity The above table displays some of the important liquidity ratios for both the company. On liquidity ground the Cruise Corporation stands better than Royal Caribbean as debt-equity and current ratio both are higher in the case of Royal Caribbean; however, the reason for this lies in the recent addition of some of the luxury ships in its fleet increasing its long term debt. Obviously, this has also reflected in its earnings growth too. Earnings Growth As per the quarterly earnings growth, Royal has displayed an impressive 74 % year to year growth against the negative earnings shown by Cruise Corporation. This indicates that though Cruise has larger fleet to cater to the vacation needs, the segment to which it serves is price sensitive and the Cruise is unable to raise its effective rates due to recessionary conditions. The situation for the CCL may improve with the change in economic conditions as being envisaged after nine months and then higher vacation charges may improve the earnings. Nevertheless, robust growth of the economy is not envisaged in near future so the advantage of booming economy that CCL may have because of its larger fleet and capacity to handle larger traffic is several years away. Risk Perception by Market CCL commands higher P/E compared t o RCL as can be seen from the above table. Risk perception (Beta) by market for RCL is much higher than CCL as later commands smaller Beta of 1.53 against 3.19 of RCL. High Beta indicates high volatility in the market price of the stock. In case of some adverse market conditions or due to some other eventuality the price of RCL may see the vertical fall; however, that also indicates that substantial rise in stock price is possible with

Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 20

Case study - Essay Example Ang Siow Lee. He moved up the corporate ladder through hard work and he reached the executive management level. His technical expertise helped the company improve processes and reduce waste within the operations. A second stakeholder is a new manager named Mr. Davidson. Mr. Davidson had a totalitarian attitude and personality. He always expressed his concerns, but he often spoke in a loud aggressive manner which made the employees feel bad. There were communication problems at Alpha Plantation. These problems were creating frictions and a lack of trust between the employees and the managerial staff Despite his attitude Mr. Davidson was a bright person with great ideas on how to improve the problem. When he first took command of this managerial position he identified seven significant problems and issues that needed immediate attention. A list of the issues the company was facing is illustrated below: Mr. Davidson received after six month a poor rating review. This event affected him emotionally and psychological. He became a passive person that did not care about his job. On the personal level he became an alcoholic. Friction occurred between Mr. Davidson and Mr. Ang. Eventually the internal conflict escalate so much that Davidson and Ang had a confrontation in public that cause a public spectacle within the organization. Mr. Ang was fired for insubordination and gross misconduct. Mr. Davidson lacked confidence and motivation toward the end which affected his performance as an employee. The conflict that occurred could have been prevented if the top managers of the company implemented better communication internally and externally. In terms of internal communication the managers needs to improve the communication among themselves and between the managers and the floor employees. Two techniques that can be used by managers to improve motivation are internal and external rewards (Beswich). An example of an intrinsic reward is congratulating an employee for

Thursday, October 17, 2019

China And The Keynesian Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

China And The Keynesian Theory - Essay Example For purposes of regulating their markets, the majority of states were able to adopt the principles contained in the Keynesian theory. This principle advocate for the intervention of the government, in the economic system of the state. China is one of the countries that advocated for the use of the concepts of the Keynesian theory, for purposes of controlling its national economy. This is until 1978, with the market reforms of Deng Xiaoping, in China. This is because of the failures of the Keynesian theory to protect the market economies of the majority of the developed states. This includes the United States. These countries were only able to experience economic growth, during the 1950s, to the 1960s. However, after the 1960s, the economies of these countries began to collapse, experiencing an increase in unemployment, and stagflation. This made economic experts, and policy formulators to demand a new economic system. Neo-liberalism was a preferable theoretical framework, and it advo cates for a minimum intervention by the government, in the economic affairs of the state. Deng Xiaoping supported neo-liberalism, and he led this movement in China, and this is through the market reforms that he had begun in the country. Furthermore, his visit to the United States in 1979 was in a bid to understand the manner in which a neo-liberal state was able to function. The United States was one of the leading neo-liberal states, and its economy was improving because of the adoption of the principles of neo-liberalism.

Business to Business Marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 3

Business to Business Marketing - Assignment Example Being based in Cambridge, TCL effectively meets the needs of the small and large enterprises around the town. However, as a result of the decreased revenue due to the economic downturn, some of the clients who are outside Cambridge may opt to cut on their traveling expenses. In this regard, it is essential for David and Angela to open more branches in cities such as Birmingham, Manchester, Newcastle, and Liverpool. In this way, TCL will reduce the costs incurred by its clients while traveling to Cambridge. It is also essential for the company to centralize its operations by ensuring that the Designers and Account Executives work in an established office. In this way, the company management will effectively monitor the performance of its employees. In addition, the TCL Company will emulate the culture of teamwork that is vital for the sustainable growth of any organization.  Currently, TCL adopts word-of-mouth as its primary promotion strategy. Even though this strategy has resulted in an increased number of customers, the current economic climate may negatively affect this strategy. This is based on the fact that some of the clients may lack financial ability to emulate the services offered by TCL thus making it difficult to communicate the significance of the services to other potential clients. This means that even though TCL has significantly relied on word-of-mouth in its promotion, the company should adopt social media to promote its products. In this way, it will effectively attract new customers especially those who regularly use social media during their buying process. In addition, the company should improve its website by allocating at least 15% of its revenue to ensure that it can easily communicate with its clients regardless of where they are located. It is also vital for TCL to collaborate with its clients in sponsoring social and cultural events in cities such as Bristol, Portsmouth among others. During such occasions, the company should fix ba nners that depict all the services it offers and their prices.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

China And The Keynesian Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

China And The Keynesian Theory - Essay Example For purposes of regulating their markets, the majority of states were able to adopt the principles contained in the Keynesian theory. This principle advocate for the intervention of the government, in the economic system of the state. China is one of the countries that advocated for the use of the concepts of the Keynesian theory, for purposes of controlling its national economy. This is until 1978, with the market reforms of Deng Xiaoping, in China. This is because of the failures of the Keynesian theory to protect the market economies of the majority of the developed states. This includes the United States. These countries were only able to experience economic growth, during the 1950s, to the 1960s. However, after the 1960s, the economies of these countries began to collapse, experiencing an increase in unemployment, and stagflation. This made economic experts, and policy formulators to demand a new economic system. Neo-liberalism was a preferable theoretical framework, and it advo cates for a minimum intervention by the government, in the economic affairs of the state. Deng Xiaoping supported neo-liberalism, and he led this movement in China, and this is through the market reforms that he had begun in the country. Furthermore, his visit to the United States in 1979 was in a bid to understand the manner in which a neo-liberal state was able to function. The United States was one of the leading neo-liberal states, and its economy was improving because of the adoption of the principles of neo-liberalism.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Why does this author deserve his place in literary history Essay

Why does this author deserve his place in literary history - Essay Example his skills in writing as his way of speaking up and expressing his thoughts about the Black American’s family life, the social violence within the society, bias treatment of the white Americans over the African Americans when it comes to educational support, some political issues, and their desire to have equal freedom with the white Americans. In the process of writing, his novels and poets made him able to contribute a significant impact over the lives of many people including the history of the African American collection of cultural literatures. Today, the works of Hughes is widely used in the study of ethnic and cultural diversity. To some extent, Hughes writings enable the readers to understand the cultural discontinuity as well as the social and psychological damaging effects of being a subject of slavery in the past. (Comer, 1989: 213) As a way of proving Hughes’ worth on the history of literature, it is necessary to discuss and examine Hughes’ specific contribution to the African American society. To do so, I will Langston Hughes has written many books and short stories about the lives of the African Americans. Back in 1934, he wrote ‘The Ways of White Folks’ that describes some of the most tragic interactions that have occurred between the white Americans and the Afro-Americans in a humorous way. (Rampersad, 2001: 207; Rampersad, 1986: 277) The story also highlighted a general pessimism regarding racial issues and satirical realism. (Rampersad, 2001: 207) He also wrote a theatrical play entitled ‘Way Down South’ wherein he focused on racial discrimination issues that have been present on the lives of the African Americans for many years. (Rampersad, 1986: 366 – 369) With regards to political issues, Hughes focuses his writings on awakening the promise of Communism within the American society. In line with this matter, he wrote a poem entitled ‘A New Song’ in order to remind the Americans about the importance of a fair treatment

Monday, October 14, 2019

Romantic Poetry Essay Example for Free

Romantic Poetry Essay Romanticism was an artistic movement that originated in the late 18th century. It helped people express strong emotions and rebel against the industrial revolution in Britain. This caused poor living conditions and unhappiness among the people at the time. People therefore, looked to nature for beauty and improvement in society. Another factor that contributed to the development of this movement was the French Revolution, which celebrated individualism and freedom of expression. Romantic poetry was concerned with ordinary people in everyday locations, therefore the majority of society could relate to it. It focused on imagination, and relates to the Power of God, and philosophy. The poets were able to catch a moment in time and elaborate on it with imaginative words and phrases. Of the several poems I have studied, the two Romantic poems I have chosen to represent a typical Romantic style are, The Daffodils by William Wordsworth and I am by John Clare. Firstly, I will look at the titles of the poems. In both poems the writer has used a simple title, indicating directly what the poem is about. This enables a larger audience to be engaged to the poem, as less literate people could find the title easier to understand. Both poems are mostly similar because of their links to the Romantic genre, in their theme and style although still continue to have an individual account. William Wordsworth and John Clare both focus on their emotions and solitude, John Clare, And een the dearest-that I loved the best-Are strange-nay, rather stranger than the rest and William Wordsworth, I wandered lonely as a cloud. The theme of William Wordsworths The Daffodils focuses on nature and his recognition of a moment in time. He uses the Power of imagination and memories to project his thoughts onto paper through poetry, we see this in his language and mood. His theme is as a result, cheerful and full of life. He also celebrates the beauty of nature and what man can gain from it. The theme of John Clares I am focuses on himself and memories of past deeds. He takes another perspective on the typical Romantic poetry theme, he talks of, nothingness of scorn and noise, and a memory lost. he creates a sad, lonely tone with this. The mood is therefore different to The Daffodils as I get the impression that Clare is talking about the oppression at the time of its writing. The first two stanzas describe his lonely and depressed situation. He describes that even in a world surrounded by people, he still feels isolated and alone, as if he hates the world he lives in and wishes for something uncontaminated by mans corruption, I long for scenes where man has never trod. He uses words such as oblivious and oblivion to describe the emptiness he feels. I will now look at the language and style of the two poems. Both poems have simple language, which as the titles accomplish, make the poem more available to a less literate lower class reader. The rhyme schemes are regular throughout the poems, The Daffodils, ABABCC and I am, ABABBB. The punctuation is also similar, as they both create a slow pace by using a small amount of punctuation. The Daffodils has eight syllables in each line, whereas I am does not have a precise amount. The Daffodils uses similes, as a cloud and as the stars that shine. by using these he enables the reader to compare what he sees to something they see. In his language he uses onomatopoeia, such as fluttering and twinkle, this enables the reader to almost hear the sounds as they are reading the words. He also uses personification; this makes the flowers seem to be. He also uses words such as, jocund company and continuous as the stars that shine. This relates to his everlasting memory of these beautiful daffodils that no one can take away from him. The two poems have different structures; The Daffodils has four sestet stanzas and I am has three sestet stanzas, John Clare uses enjambment, making the first and second verse flow into each other. In his last stanza he wishes to go to an untouched place, were man has never trod. He wishes for beauty and tranquillity not for what he sees in the world at that moment in time. He uses a metaphor, But the vast shipwreck of my lifes, this lets the reader picture how troubled he is in this world and wishes for a better place.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Soviet Nationalities Policy

Soviet Nationalities Policy After the Bolshevik Revolution, Bolsheviks inherited a vast multinational empire. The Soviet Union inherited the Russian Empires multiethnic character. Composing just over half the population, ethnic Russians shared the worlds first socialist state with more than 100 minorities, some numbering in the millions and others numbering in the low thousands. Some, such as the Poles, were Westernized and urbanized. Others, such as the peoples of the Caucasus and Siberia, lived in small villages and tribal-based societies. Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, and Jews all inhabited Russia and had needs that presented challenges to any state. The problem of what to do with all these different ethnic groups in the new state formed the center of the â€Å"nationality question.† In order to promote the integration of the non-Russians into the Soviet state, Lenin’s nationality policy was practical and flexible enough. Unlike the late tsarist era, when non-Russian ethnic groups were discri minated by the imperial regime, the nationalities enjoyed formal political equality. This was seen as an important requirement for obtaining equal socioeconomic and cultural rights across various peoples and helping less developed nationalities to overcome their backwardness. Lenin believed that this strategy would eliminate ethnic discrepancies and settle the â€Å"nationalities question† for good and Lenin advocated recognition of the various peoples of the old empire as separate nationalities. In the localities the Soviet authorities pursued the policy of â€Å"indigenization† (korenizatsiia), designed to increase steadily the proportion of the representatives of the indigenous nationality in the local party and state administration. In addition, during the 1920s, the center actively co-opted representatives of non-Russian elites into central governing bodies. Moreover, the early nationalities policy of the Bolshevik government displayed considerable tolerance of no n-Russian languages and cultures and even systematically encouraged the development of â€Å"minor† languages. All this helped expand the ranks of non-Russian educated elites and led to a flowering of literature, the arts, and sciences in some of the republics and national autonomies. Korenizatsiia set the stage for the Soviet Unions current crisis of authority among the non-Russians. As an integrated linguistic, cultural, and personnel policy it sought to legitimate multiculturalism in the Soviet Union without creating multiple centers of power. The implementation of this policy during the dislocation wrought by industrialization raised the prestige of non-Russian languages and cultures and created the social bases necessary for multiculturalism. The establishment of multiple official languages and creation of social bases of support for them guaranteed â€Å"long-term or permanent linguistic division†. Korenizatsiia, in effect, â€Å"institutionalized and legitimated linguistic conflict and thus maintained it and perpetuated it†. The liberal language policies and the indigenization drive endured until the mid-1930s, helping to enlist the support of broad sections of non-Russian populations for the party and the Communist regime. More controversially, they accelerated the process of nation building among major nationalities and nudged some of the minor ones in the same direction. The â€Å"indigenized† administrations tended toward greater independence from the center and craved greater national and cultural autonomy. They became breeding grounds for the spread of national communism in the republics as the desire to combine Communist ideas with national traditions. Contrary to the expectations of the Communist authorities, their policies did not do away with nationalism, but gave rise to nationalist ideologies and to gradual consolidation of nationalities into nations. It was clear that the evolving national elites would not remain content for long with formal equality and would sooner or later claim gr eater political rights to complement their cultural and language rights.Between 1933 and 1938, korenizatsiia was not actually repealed. Its provisions merely stopped being enforced. There also began purges of the leaderships of the national republics and territories. The charge against non-Russians was that they had instigated national strife and oppressed the Russians or other minorities in the republics. In 1937 it was proclaimed that local elites had become hired agents and their goal had become dismemberment of the Soviet Union. Stalin’s radical policies were accompanied by purges among republican elites to curb any nationalist tendencies and â€Å"deviations.† They soon escalated into an all-encompassing wave of terror that peaked in 1936-38. It dealt a crushing blow to the administrative elites in the republics. The terror affected the elites of all nationalities, but its consequences in the union republics were particularly severe as it undermined many of the ac hievements of indigenization. Stalin’s policies and the methods used to enforce them to a great extent put a chill on the process of nation building that had begun in the 1920s. As a result of the Stalin revolution, many of the ideological imperatives of the Soviet nationality policy were transformed. In the 1920s the party leadership had sought to eradicate all vestiges of the imperial mentality of Russians, derided as â€Å"Great Russian Chauvinism.† Now the emphasis was reversed, and local nationalism was perceived a much bigger threat. The calls for international solidarity of proletarians were replaced by the new integrating ideology of Soviet patriotism and by the leader’s cult. Yuri Slezkine has described the USSR as a communal apartment in which each national group had its own room. To be sure, not all rooms were of the same size or importance. It should be noted, however, that to the very end of its existence the USSR remained at least rhetorically, but also in many practical ways, committed to the idea of cultural diversity. Russian culture was certainly â€Å"first among equals primus inter pares†, but a certain space was always granted to non-Russian language and culture. The Soviet Union was a communal apartment, where each of the national republics had a separate room. They could decorate the room however they liked. They got to make the major decisions, but never pretended that they owned the apartment. He gives details the â€Å"Great Transformation† of 1928-1932, during which ethnic diversity was highlighted and celebrated; it then explains the â€Å"Great Retreat† during the 1930†²s, when nationalism as a whole was disc ouraged except those select nationalities that reinforced socialist ideas and contributed to the overall success of the USSR. The author states to the fact that certain nationalities were seen as more worthy, therefore superior to others. It may not be along class lines, but the people of the Soviet Union were still divided. This promotion of nationalism most likely created more problems for the Soviet government in the long-term as nationalism grew stronger and threatened the Soviet’s unity and control.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Where Has My Job Gone? Essay -- Employment India Essays

Where Has My Job Gone? With the implementation of minimum wage and rising production costs in the United States, many companies have found themselves looking for a way to save money on production. Clothing manufacturers such as Nike have used labor forces in other countries, mainly in Asia to produce their products. These countries can offer similar quality labor for a cheaper cost on wages. The lower or non existent minimum wage laws in foreign countries allow companies like Nike to cut production costs drastically, while still being able to produce quality products. Similar trends are starting to creep into software companies. They are finding a workforce able to do similar work as the American workers, but for less pay. These companies are outsourcing their work. Outsourcing is simply the transfer of operational responsibility of either business processes or infrastructure management to an external service provider. [1] The majority of these jobs end up in India due to their low wages and high l evel education. Why would companies outsource? Companies look to outsourcing software because of the many benefits it provides. Most noticeably is the savings on costs it can provide. The lower costs over in Asia, especially India, help to reduce and control costs. The production costs are lower because of the lower wages of the workers in India. The average yearly salaries for IT programmers were $5,880 in 2002 compared to the $63,331 US programmers were making. [2] The difference is that labor in India costs about 9% of the costs of the US labor. Furthermore, by outsourcing software work to India, companies can use their existing personnel for different projects. The US workers can be put on tasks that c... ...r, 2003. The International Herald Tribune Online. 16 March 2014. . [7] †Advantage of Outsourcing to India.† VT Consulting. 16 March 2014. . [8] Rayen, Ranjeet. â€Å"ITPL to become role model for Bangladesh’s hi-tech park.† 19 June 2001. 16 March 2014. . [9] Pink, Daniel. February 2004 â€Å"The New Face of the Silicon Age.† Wired. Issue 12.02. 16 March 2014. . [10] Adam Smith. An Enquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776), reprint, ed. Edwin Cannan (New York: Modern Library), 1937, p. 14.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Assessment and Planning of Discharge Needs in Geriatrics Essay

Elderly patients have unique discharge planning needs. As such, the hospital nurse and case management team may find themselves challenged to not only identify the needs of each patient, but to also address those needs when planning the patient’s discharge. In the case of Mr. Trosack, a 72-year-old widower being discharged following a total hip replacement (THR), careful assessment of his home situation needs to be completed prior to discharge to ensure his safety and continued recovery once home. Healthcare Issues  After reviewing the patient’s chart and performing interviews with the patient and his family, the case manager identifies three healthcare issues that need to be addressed on discharge.  ·The patient admits he has not seen a doctor in over 10 years prior to this hospitalization.  ·The patient has been diagnosed with two new health issues: hypertension and diabetes.  ·He has been prescribed new medications for each new diagnosis that he will need to continue taking after discharge.  ·The patient cannot identify pills he currently takes at home, stating simply that they are â€Å"vitamins† for â€Å"energy. Importance of Healthcare Issues Each of these issues needs to be addressed to ensure Mr. Trosack’s safety and continued recovery after discharge: The patient has not seen a doctor in over 10 years prior to this hospitalization. It is important for the case worker to find out why the patient has not seen any doctors, as it may be detrimental to his well-being. For example, did he have a bad experience with a previous provider and refuses to go back? Or, has he just not felt ill? Is his reasoning ability still sound? Or, is there some confusion? Is he in denial or facing fear that has kept him from seeing someone? If the patient is able to make sound decisions and simply has no concerns, he may do well at home. However, it may also be that he is unaware he should be seeing a physician, as â€Å"elderly patients may not report symptoms that they consider part of normal aging† (Besdine, 2009, para. 9). And, if he has had a bad experience in the past with a physician, it may have lead to a mistrust of the entire profession. If he has been refusing to see a doctor despite some concerns over the years, it could foreshadow similar situations in the future. He may not call when new problems or questions arise about is new medications. And, as evidenced by the cabinet of unused medications in the bathroom, he has a history of poor compliance, which could further impact his health. By discussing the reasons behind his lack of preventative care, the case manager will better understand the patient’s mindset and any concerns he may have. If a previous provider’s treatment or behavior has caused a mistrust of the profession, the case manager can recommend or introduce the patient to other providers, especially those that specialize in caring for geriatrics, as these providers have specialized training in caring for the elderly. If cost is a factor, the case manager can refer the patient to applicable programs such as food stamp programs, insurance and Medicare supplement policies, state-based programs, drug company assistance programs and more. If transportation is an issue, the case manager can refer to area agencies or senior citizen centers to utilize low-cost or volunteer-driven services that assist in transporting seniors. The patient has been newly diagnosed with hypertension and diabetes. New medical diagnoses can be scary for any individual, but with elderly patients, it can often bring about a new level of uncertainty and anxiety. Like all patients, they have questions about the new diagnosis and prescribed medications. However, the elderly patients of today grew up in a time when medical problems were not openly discussed. And now, society often looks at senior citizens as â€Å"lesser† citizens—a source for humor and pity in the media, weaker, less productive and expected to retire as they age (Day, 2011). Because of the way in which they were raised and the beliefs of society today, elderly patients may not feel comfortable asking questions. Knowing this, the nurse will look for additional clues from the patient’s interview as to how Mr. Trosack is feeling about his new diagnoses. During his interview with the case manager, the patient seems reluctant to accept his new diagnoses. Stating he doesn’t need any â€Å"darn† medications and doesn’t like being â€Å"disabled,† the patient also shows frustration. When a patient expresses this level of frustration and denial, there is an increased risk for lack of compliance. The need for education is greatly increased in this elderly patient. Because he has no outward symptoms of his new diagnoses, the patient does not feel he needs the new medications. The nurse needs to help the patient understand that his medications need to be continued to help prevent future symptoms from occurring. In addition, the nurse needs to be aware of additional challenges the patient may incur. Since elderly patients have often lost several members of their family (parents, siblings, even children in some cases), they are very much aware of their own mortality. A new diagnosis can bring a new awareness of that mortality, sometimes leading to a depression. When planning other discharge needs, the case manager needs to include these factors into her plan. Home health nurses can assist by visiting the patient at home during the week to ensure proper medication administration as well as assessing the patient for signs of depression and worsening hypertension, diabetes or depression. The patient has two new medications to continue upon discharge and cannot identify pills he currently takes at home. With the patient’s new diagnoses, he has been prescribed new medications. He has already voiced opposition to the idea of continuing these new medications because he does not feel he needs them. Because he does not feel they are needed, he is likely to have poor compliance in taking the medications. The patient would benefit greatly from education about why the medications have been prescribed and that–with appropriate compliance–he will be more likely to remain free of symptoms. The patient being unable to state which pills he does take on a daily basis is cause for concern. Without the name of the pills, there is no way to verify its overall safety. Furthermore, the nurse and case manager cannot be sure there are no contraindications to taking the newly prescribed medications with the pre-admission supplements. The patient’s inability to recall the name of the pills also reiterates the concerns above regarding the new medications he has been prescribed. The case manager needs to work with the patient’s nurse to ensure the patient understands the importance of maintaining a current medication list, including over-the-counter â€Å"vitamins† for â€Å"energy,† to avoid future problems when being seen for other medical concerns. The Interdisciplinary Team For the patient’s discharge to be a success, the case manager needs to incorporate appropriate members of the healthcare team to make a discharge plan. In the case of Mr. Trosack, this interdisciplinary team needs to include the patient’s nurse, physical and occupational therapy staff, a dietician, a pharmacist, and staff from the local home health agency or public health district. Each member of the team will bring to the discharge plan a unique vision for the patient’s recovery. The nurse is familiar with the patient’s medical history, as well as his feelings regarding his new diagnoses and medications. S/He has learned how best to communicate with the patient and worked to educate the patient on his new health problems and medications. In creating a discharge plan, the nurse will share this information with the home health nurse, include the medication and treatment regimens that are to be continued, and identify goals for the patient related to each. The physical therapist will instruct the team on the patient’s abilities and limitations in relation to the patient’s ambulation and transfers. He may visit the patient’s home to complete an evaluation of additional needs. And, he will create an exercise regimen for the patient to continue once home and make recommendations for assistive devices that the patient may be able to use. The occupational therapist will also identify assistive devices and continued therapy needs, however, these recommendations will be in relation to the patient’s activities of daily living (ADLs) rather than ambulation. She will watch the patient get completely dressed to identify any special needs and assess risk (can the patient tie his shoes or will the laces be a fall hazard? ). She will assess the patient’s ability to shower or bathe, looking for shortcomings or safety concerns. She may also visit the home to complete a home safety evaluation, watch the patient has he carries out his ADLs, and make recommendations for ways to alter his methods to ensure safety. The dietician will make nutritional recommendations based on the patient’s needs for adequate healing. In doing so, she will take into consideration his abilities and limitations identified by the physical and occupational therapists. The dietician may suggest menus for the patient to follow. And, her knowledge of nutrition will allow for suggestions on easy-to-carry foods, snacks or supplements that require no refrigeration and can be stored outside the kitchen, making it easier for the patient to obtain. The pharmacist will provide the other members of the team with information related to his medication regimen. He will alert the other team members to possible side effects, adverse reactions and interactions that may occur. This information will be helpful to the other members of the team as they make their own recommendations for needs after discharge. The dietician will nclude foods that have less chance of interacting with medications and the therapy staff will be alerted to side effects that may impact the patient’s safety. Because the patient will be homebound, he will likely be referred to home health. The staff from the home health agency or public health district will take the information from all of the team members in making their own plans for assignment and recommendations after discharge. They will perform safety evaluations of their own to identify risks for patient and staff alike. They will assign staff to the patient based on the recommendations from the nurse and therapists. They may sign the patient up for meals-on-wheels, or a similar program, based on the recommendations of the dietician and assessments of the patient’s ability to cook and clean up as needed. They will reiterate the teaching provided by the nurse and therapists while visiting the patient and look for side effects or adverse reactions while working with the patient. In short, they will develop a complete plan of care to incorporate all of the feedback from the interdisciplinary team. Safety Assessment There are several areas of concern in regards to safety at the patient’s residence. First, the patient requires a walker and lives on the second floor in a building with no elevator. This presents a safety issue, as well as a potential psychosocial problem. Not only will the patient be unable to safely enter his apartment without assistance; but, he will also not be able to safely leave. The patient, should he reach his apartment after discharge, would be isolated from friends and family and completely homebound. He would not be able to assist in the bakery located downstairs; instead, becoming dependant on his brother to maintain the business. Additionally, the family members interviewed by the case manager share concerns about the patient’s safety once inside his apartment, due to the small and cluttered environment. They worry that the apartment is too cluttered with memorabilia from World War II for him to safely ambulate with a walker. Per the safety assessment, there are also several rugs throughout the space. Each rug represents a trip hazard and should be removed from the environment prior to the patient’s discharge home. Additionally, there are no safety devices in the bathroom. While these devices can be installed, the patient is at risk until the installation is complete. And, until the devices are installed, the patient cannot be assessed by the occupational therapist to ensure safe use. With the safety issues present in his current apartment, it is unlikely the patient will continue to improve in this environment. Not only is he at a high risk for fall and injury in this apartment, but his mobility will also be greatly limited by the crowded environment, reducing his physical activity. Such limitation would reduce the patient’s physical improvement, which is vital in recovery from a total hip replacement. Discharge Planning Needs Per the family interview, there is a lack of support available to the patient. For any patient to recovery successfully after discharge from the inpatient setting, they must have adequate support from friends and family. Elderly patients are especially reliant on adequate support, as they are more likely to experience a functional decline from baseline in the two weeks following a hospital discharge (Naylor et al. , 1994). Mr. Trosack has a brother and a married middle-aged son. Mr. Trosack co-owns the bakery with his brother, who is now running the bakery on his own. His son is somewhat estranged due to a difference in religious beliefs, has a young family of his own, and works nearly 60 hours a week, as does his wife. None of the people closest to Mr. Trosack can make him a priority in their lives. During the family interview, the case manager learns that they were planning on taking turns assisting the patient in his home. However, their busy lifestyles leave little time for that and they do not want to bring in outside assistance. Further, the family does not seem to understand the importance of regular medication administration in addition to denying the two new medical conditions exist since the patient has shown no outward symptoms of being sick. Their answer to cleaning up the apartment is throwing away some of the patient’s most treasured items. Rather than asking for suggestions in making the apartment safer, the family would prefer to have Mr. Trosack dispose of his memorabilia from World War II. This, combined with the social isolation brought on by being homebound and unable to participate in his long-time business, would worsen his chances of developing depression. Should the patient develop depression, his recovery would be further impacted by lack of compliance with medications (Carney, Freedland, Eisen, Rich, & Jaffe, 1995). Further, depression can lead to elderly patients becoming confused or forgetful, eating less, poor hygiene, and becoming further isolated from friends and family (â€Å"A. D. A. M. Medical Encyclopedia,† n. d. ), all of which would further delay a complete recovery. Social Isolation & Psychological Factors With the patient’s physical limitations, if he were to discharge to his apartment, he would be isolated from the outside world. Because he still relies on a walker, he would be unable to climb or descend the stairs and unable to participate in his own bakery business. He would also rely on visitors for his groceries, trash removal as well as any social interaction. Despite the fact that family members are physically close to his apartment, the relationships are strained and their schedules do not allow for him to become a priority in their lives. When patients are socially isolated, they tend to do poorly. Not only do socially isolated people tend to become anxious and depressed, but they are also more likely to develop high blood pressure. Additionally, isolation has been significantly correlated both with an extended wound-healing time (Cacioppo & Hawkley, 2003). Despite the length of time the patient has been in the hospital setting, he is still recovering and his body is still healing. The patient needs to be in an environment that promotes healing. Furthermore, isolation has also been shown to cause impaired vision and hearing, which could increase the likelihood of fall and injury in the patient’s cluttered apartment (Frintner, 2008) In addition to the health-related dangers of social isolation, there are emotional reactions to isolation that one should consider when planning Mr.  Trosack’s discharge. Isolation and loneliness not only affect the body’s immune and cardiovascular systems, but it can also lead to sleep disturbances and depression (Marano, 2003). Depression makes social interactions difficult and sometimes even stressful, causing the depressed person to withdraw from family and friends even more. And, with the patient being unable to fulfill his duties at his family-owned business, the likelihood of dev eloping depression increases, due to a reduced sense of purpose (Smith, Robinson, & Segal, 2011). The patient’s risk for isolation upon discharge home indicates that the patient may do better in another setting. Recommendation Upon review of Mr. Trosack’s chart, interviews with the patient and family and the safety assessment performed, it is the recommendation of this writer that the patient not be discharged home. This recommendation would be different if the patient lived on a first-floor apartment or had access to an elevator. However, given the safety and isolation issues present in his home, the patient would be better served in an assisted living facility. Because the patient does not need skilled nursing care, and can perform his most of his ADLs, the patient does not require nursing home placement. An assisted living facility would allow the patient to have some independence in regards to his individual space and performing his ADLs while ensuring the patient a safe environment. An assisted living facility allows for monitoring of the patient overall wellness and general health and can coordinate medication administration and monitor compliance (Maryland State Bar Association, 1998). The services provided by the assisted living facility would help to ensure that the patient stays safe by keeping a watchful eye on the patient—routine safety checks are performed and fall risks are identified and corrected as needed. The facility can also monitor his overall health through the routine safety checks as well as monitor his medication compliance, ensuring the patient takes his medications as scheduled. Furthermore, several facilities offer social activities, which would increase the patient’s likelihood of continued physical activity and reduce the risk of depression and decline after discharge.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Middle School Graduation Speech

Today you are graduating middle school. Some of you are sitting in your seats thinking â€Å"its just middle school, its not really even a big deal. † I know that because that was me at the same time last year But it's a big deal. Three years of your life are gone, some of you may believe you have nothing to show for these three years, but that could not be farther from the truth. You have grown, not Just In the getting taller sense- but In the sense that you are becoming the person you are meant to be.You have developed your own ideas and your own sense of the world. You have learned many many things, even if you don't believe so. You have challenged yourself without knowing and made the adults in your life so proud of you in Just three years. So what about the next four years you have here at Greenville? What will you accomplish? What about your years after you leave us? How many heights will you reach? The world Is yours. The world Is yours to conquer and to change. Maybe I t will take you years to decide how you want to live your life, or maybe you already know.Maybe you now now and will change your mind, and that is perfectly fine. Maybe you will start on a road that is not for you or maybe you will get lucky and take the correct path on your first try. You will get hurt and you will fall down. When this happens, chances are you won't want to get back up, but you have to. If you let life keep you down you will go nowhere. So don't listen to things people say about you, because the only opinion of you that matters Is what you think of yourself. Not everyone Is going to love you, actually a majority of people will hardly even like you.But who really cares about those people? If they waste their time trying to knock you down, they obviously aren't even worth me taking the time to talk about. You only have a short amount of time here, and you should use every minute of it wisely so when the time comes and your life flashes before your eyes you are not di sappointed with what you see. So learn everything you can. Take advantage of every opportunity given to you. Stand up and use your words for good, and always remember to dance In the rain.You'll get mixed up, of course, s you already know. You'll get mixed up with many strange birds as you go. So be sure when you step. Step with care and great tact and remember that Life's a Great Balancing Act. Just never forget to be dexterous and deft. And never mix up your right foot with your left. And will you succeed? (98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed. ) Kid, you'll move mountains! So†¦ Be your name Buxom or Boxy or Bray or Moroccan All Van Allen Ashes, you're off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So†¦ Get on your way!